Thursday, 19 September 2013


House of Gold tells the story of Dan Ansah, who is a business mogul, socialite, polygamist and also battling with cancer and has got six weeks to live according to the medical practitioner.
With the help of his long time legal representative to embark on a mission of bringing his childrens together for a 7days reunion, most of whom were born out of wedlock and various illicit affairs.
The casts in the movie are: Majid Micheal, Eddie Watson, Omawunmi, Iceprine Zamani, Yvone Nelson, Mercy Chiwo, Francis Odega and many more.
The true comedy sense of the movie, John Bosco a character played by Francis Odega who played the role of the nosy houseboy, he was able to sustain the laughter when the movie seemed blow by wind.
Majid Micheal gave the strongest performance in the movie, he played the role of the eldest son of the house.
Yvone Nelson can be remembered for what she wore than anything else.
Also seeing two musicians on set, was also beautiful, Iceprince and Omawunmi also acted beautifully.
House of Gold has a lot of good laugh out loud moments which make up for the not too impressive acting and storyline.  But a good movie to see with the family and loved ones.

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